
The Egyptian Society of Cardiology


Research Opportunities

Research opportunities inside Egypt

Coming soon..


Research opportunities outside Egypt

If you are interested in registries and surveys carried by the ESC, please click the following link:


Research Projects

Research projects inside Egypt

Coming soon..


Research projects outside Egypt

The PEITHO (Pulmonary EmbolIsm THrOmbolysis) study, for more details click the following link:


Research Grants

Research grants inside Egypt

Coming soon..


Research grants outside Egypt

The ESC provides many research grants, for more details, please click the following link:


The Egyptian Heart Journal

The Egyptian Heart Journal is the official journal of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology. It is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of cardiovascular disease, including original clinical studies and translational investigations. The journal publishes research, review articles, case reports and commentary articles, as well as editorials interpreting and commenting on the research presented. In addition, it provides a forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine, including educational issues. For more details, please click the following link:
